You Must Dispose Your Hazardous Materials Safely and Responsibly

We frequently hear about how hazardous waste is harmful to our health and the environment. As a result, it is critical that we understand what hazardous waste is and why it is so dangerous. Hazardous waste is defined as any sort of waste that offers a serious harm to human health, the environment, or both due to the physical, chemical, and biological components it includes.

We should grasp what constitutes hazardous waste now that we know what it is. Hazardous waste includes toxic waste such as heavy metals containing compounds such as lead and mercury, solvents, and pesticides. Hazardous waste also includes flammable waste. Waste that can easily catch fire, such as gasoline, lubricants, and aerosol cans, is extremely hazardous to the environment. Some cleaning chemicals and battery acids are corrosive and hence constitute hazardous waste.


What are the Harmful Effects of Hazardous Waste? 


When hazardous waste is incorrectly disposed of, it can seep into the soil, contaminating it. Plant growth destruction, agricultural failure, and groundwater pollution are clear outcomes in such a circumstance. If split into bodies of water, it can also endanger the life of aquatic and marine animals. These animals may consume hazardous waste and die as a result. Throwing such dangerous waste on natural bodies can render them unsafe for human consumption.


Often hazardous waste is also released into the air. This results in the generation of toxic fumes, causing several respiratory diseases in humans and animals. If a person is exposed to hazardous waste for a longer period of time, then it is possible that several pro-longed illnesses like cancer, neurological, and chronic diseases are natural circumstances.  


If hazardous waste is allowed to accumulate for an extended period of time, some hazardous waste compounds can destroy the biodiversity of the entire region. It has the ability to kill microbes and extinct some species. It can also be lethal to humans if it interferes with their immune systems.


It is therefore important that hazardous waste is disposed of safely. In Australia, it is illegal to dispose of hazardous waste without following the legal guidelines. If you want hazardous waste disposal services in Adelaide, then you must adhere to these rules mandated by the Government of South Australia.  

The types of hazardous waste that can be submitted to the waste management companies are: 


·                     Acids and alkali 

·                     Batteries (Ni Cad, lithium, and mercury) 

·                     Brake fluid and coolants 

·                     Cleaning products 

·                     Engine oil and other oil 

·                     Fumigants 

·                     Gardening chemicals (including pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and dentifrices) 

·                     Gas cylinders 

·                     Light globes 

·                     Liquid paints – oil and water-based up to 100 L 

·                     LPG bottles 

·                     Other household chemicals 

·                     Photographic chemicals 

·                     Poisons 

·                     Pool chemicals 

·                     Solvents (including paint thinners, turpentine) 

·                     Varnishes and stains 


We must also consider the hazardous waste items that are prohibited from being submitted to waste management companies by the Government. For these items, alternative options in place of waste management companies are also given. These items are: 

·                     Ammunition or explosives: Contact SA Police on 131 444 

·                     Asbestos and tyres: Contact the EPA at 8204-0404. 

·                     Fertilizer: use or donate to your local community garden 

·                     Pharmaceuticals: Take to your pharmacy or doctor; see nonreturnable for locations 

·                     Household smoke detectors: Place in your waste bin 


If you want the best hazardous waste disposal services, you can always contact the team members of the Adelaide Waste and Recycling Center. It is a certified location in Adelaide where you can safely and securely drop off your hazardous waste. The company is noted as one of Adelaide's four Community Chemical and Paint Drop-off Centers, and it can accept batteries, chemicals, coolants, fire extinguishers, fluorescent tubes, gas bottles, herbicides, oils, paint materials, and pesticides. The use of this service is free to the public when disposing of hazardous and dangerous materials that have originated from domestic sources.   it is crucial to note that the amount of hazardous material that can be dropped off at this company's disposal center is limited, and this service is not offered to commercial or industrial businesses that want to dispose of their own hazardous waste. Adelaide Waste and Recycling Center also offers cardboard recycling, green waste, industrial bins, tyre disposal, and e waste recycling services, among other things.


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